R. Marabá, 2954
R. Marabá, 2954 is a residential address located in Capão da Canoa, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The postal code for this address is 95555-000. The area is known for its beautiful beaches, making it a popular tourist destination.
The exact type of property at R. Marabá, 2954 is not specified, but it is likely a residential building or house. The location offers residents easy access to amenities such as shops, restaurants, and recreational activities. Capão da Canoa is known for its laid-back atmosphere and stunning natural surroundings.
Overall, R. Marabá, 2954 is situated in a desirable area of Capão da Canoa, Brazil. The location offers residents a comfortable and convenient lifestyle, with plenty of opportunities for relaxation and outdoor activities. Description by ChatGPT.